Events / news
- Detalii
- Publicat: 20 Decembrie 2016 20 Decembrie 2016
- Ultima actualizare: 21 Decembrie 2016 21 Decembrie 2016
Promotional activity at the Dinicu Golescu National College
Ms. lecturer PhD Avram Laurenţia - Dean and Mr. Lecturer PhD. Robert Dragomir - director of the CCEA from the Faculty of Economic Sciences Câmpulung Muscel attended the Circle of Pre-schools Directors in the Arges county. The activity was held on 23.11.2016 at 10.00 at the Dinicu Golescu National College where at the invitation of inspectors Hernest Adrian and Dragos Vrînceanu of County School Inspectorate Arges were discussed the following issues related to promoting Spiru Haret University and Faculty of Economic Sciences Campulung Muscel:
- Educational offers of Spiru Haret University and Faculty of Economic Sciences Campulung Muscel;
- The timing of activities from the undertaken protocol by the Faculty of Economic Sciences Campulung Muscel and County School Inspectorate Arges;
- The way of acquiring of the Certificate Google IAB Europe via the link provided by Spiru Haret University;
- New ways of promoting Spiru Haret University and Faculty of Economic Sciences Campulung Muscel by signing new protocols for institutional collaboration.
The action was a success and was also a good opportunity to show our readiness to participate in local community activities both educationally and culturally.
Următoarea invitaţie poate fi la ISJ Argeş la o întâlnire cu reprezentanţii Consiliului Judeţean şi a universităţilor din Piteşti.
Therefore, the next invitation can be at County School Inspectorate Arges to a meeting with representatives of Arges County Council and the universities of Pitesti.
Socio-cultural event "Welcome to USH"
The event dedicated to the freshers was successful as it can be seen in the moments captured below ...
On November 4, 2016, starting at 14.00, Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Economic Sciences Câmpulung Muscel organizes event dedicated to the freshers. At the event socio-cultural "Welcome to USH", the freshers are expected inside the Faculty Student Club at the specially arranged info-stands, where volunteers and teachers of the faculty will provide all information about the studentship. For the freshser to enter as soon as in the atmosphere of the new student life, in the event we follow:
- Offering the books and courses of the faculty teachers;
- Meeting with representatives of the potential employers who will provide information on labour market requirements.
- Presentation of the Câmpulung cultural offers by representatives of the cultural centers, the Central Library and the Tourist Information Centre;
- Guidance and advice from older colleagues.